
Twihard. MLIT? IDGAF!

So, I have read Twilight. I own the entire series. I've seen the movies. And I loathe it. Aside from the fact that it's totally unoriginal, my only problem with it is how POORLY WRITTEN it is. Meyer's prose is just horrible. Simply craptastic. I really like Bella and her personality aside from the whole "anything for Edward" part. I like the Cullens. And the wolves. I. Can't. Stand. The AUTHOR! It's just horrible writing. It's like FANFICTION for chrissake. 
  Oh, you're angry about me calling it unoriginal? Welllll, let's see.
  The vampire is a good vampire who doesn't want to hurt humans, so he feeds off of animals instead? *cough* Louis from Interview with the Vampire *cough* 
  There are werewolves? And they don't get along with vampires? *gasp* Well, doesn't that sound like the Southern Vampire Mysteries?!?!?!?
 If you're wondering what started this rant, I heard that the Breaking Dawn movie would be split into two parts. As soon as I heard that I said:

"NO. NO! NOOO!  Stephenie Meyer's Twilight is SHIT! Is this 'cause Deathly Hallows is gonna be in two parts?! You're not like that! You can't TOUCH Harry Potter! Twilight is like that one vampire who Slughorn knows who VANTED TO SUCK HARRY'S BLUUUD! FUCK TWILIGHT!"