I was just listening to that song which is why it's the title...:)
By Brand New.
I haven't been keeping up...Sorry!
But I got a BlackBerry so basically my Twitter + Facebook are what you should check to stalk me with...haha.
Wait I'm mad at someone right now so I can't type.
gotta go!
Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades
i've been feeling melancholy lately..
My playlist consists of:
Taylor Swift - Forever and Always
Paramore - When It Rains
Muse - Starlight
The Academy Is...- The Phrase That Pays
Coldplay - Clocks
sure sign of meancholy-ness.
i don't know...
it's eighth grade and instead of making new friendships i'm just with the same old.
instead of smiling more often i'm frowning in thought.
instead of ...
well, you got the gist of it.
" and it rains in your bedroom,
everything is wrond.
it rains when your here,
and it rains when your gone.
i was there when you said,
forever and always."
i need to be a bedouin.
i'm also too good of a liar.
y'know...the fact that nobody reads this makes it sort of like a diary.
i have a headache.
here's what sucks.
people have these huge hopes and dreams....
and most of them never get to accomplish them.
i have 3.
i'll tell you one.
to feel like i'm at peace & equilibrium with the world for a whole 5 minutes.
the other 2 are very unlikely so i'd like to keep them private :)
i care i care i care.
i'm worried and i love youuuuu.
most of the time :|
totally deadpan..lol.
by the way, i have a new theory on life.
everyone should have an imaginary friend.
i have one!
and look how welll i'm doing :)
i have a headache.
i'm going to the bathroom.
Go to the land of milk and honey...
which is a great combo by-the-by.
i just got back from a PTA meeting thing.
i've decided to (maybe) run for SGA president.
whaddya think, Barack?
feelin' a bit of the competition?
i think i'm having rice w/ veggies for din-din.
anywho, back to the important things!
not that food isn't important but w.e.
i'm reading The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs.
he also wrote The Know-It-All in which he read the entire encyclopedia
and wrote about the journey through A-Z.
this is sort of similar.
he basically tries to follow ALL the rules and what such in the Bible
as literally as possible.
for a year.
so nowwwwwwww.
after i finish this book i'm going to read the bible. :)
but i'm going to blog about it.
separately from this, but on the same account.
at school we have to read at home (like they have to force me!)
and write daily summaries + use strategies about what we've read.
i'm gonna do that w/ the Bible.
two birds with one stone :)
only they might not allow it cos' of Separation of Church and State.
well, bye.
i'll just be designing the Bible blog and reading the other book.
fun fun fun!
P.S. i read that A.J. Jacobs googles himself to see what people think of his book.
hi A.J. or should i say hi to Jacob, your alter ego ;)
since you've been gone...
...or since i haven't blogged at least.
someone's stolen my binder, i got rid of my Razr, i got an LG Xenon, i got my Razr back.
i read Generation Dead, i made a new friend, i got over an old one, i fell in love with NeverShoutNever, i listened to a lot of music.
Generation Dead by Daniel Waters is awesommeeee!
you should go to mysocalledundeath.com
like ASAP.
some songs i'm a-diggin.
This Providence - Letdown
Friendly Fires - Kiss of Life
Billy Boy On Poison - On My Way
Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
The Kooks - Naive
Red Jump Suit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel
You & Me -Lifehouse
Hello Fascintaion - Breathe Caroline
AM Live at Banana Split - DJ AM
Until We Bleed - Kleerup
Belasco - Chloroform
Peace - Apocalyptica
Escape The Fate-The Flood
The Prototypes - Kaleidoscope
I Want To Be Buried In Your Backyard - Nightmare Of You
My Name Is Trouble - Nightmare Of You
this last one reminded me of Generation Dead :)
it was so pretty,
even though pretty is probably the wrong word to describe it.
it brought out the undead in me.
maybe N.O.Y. is just awesome.
and Friendly Fires - Kiss of Life music video was cool.
the dancing gained him a fan.
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked was just awesome.
so was On My Way.
i miss DJ AM.
you have to watch this video!
it's the BEST idea :)
love charlieissocoollike.
i'm gonna go.