i'm just a smidge pissed off, and let me tell you why...
me + my sister were supposed to go see Harry Potter + the Half Bood Prince tommorow...
at midnight.
awesome, right?!
my mom's like...
"you can't go b/c you have CSI classes next morning blah blah blah blah blech die."
numero uno, my classes aren't actual school, graded, permanent record classes.
2nd of all, does it really matter if i'm late?
3rd of all i'm allowed 2 absences, might as well use 'em.
so, i'm slightly pissed b/c mom...
*deep breath*
i know for a fact she won't let me go with my sister even if it was during the day,
b/c she's being a....ugh!
it's like, we were all gonna go see Transformers 2 right?
me, my sis, my dad, + my mom.
she decided that she was "too overworked *yawn*"
that was a month ago.
i must see harry potter.
okay too much typing, srry.
1st vid:
cool makeup :)
2nd vid:
hilarious, b/c i used to be a loser..still am =)
whatever, it won't embed.
fckk youtube.
here are the links.
vid 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCxUAPeGL3o
vid 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LcW5LpJKRo
your mum watches Harry Potter.