
haha, you know your habesha...

m'kay i'm totally against stereotypes, but hello!
i'm ethiopian so, i can say what i want.
this is the truest list ever, dude.
we are exactly like that. =)
btw habesha is amharic for ethiopian.

You Know You're Habesha When...

-You have at least one extended family member living in your house.
-You have at least 10 relatives in D.C.
-Your parents talk HELLA loud into the phone
-At least three people in your family work at a parking garage, three drive a taxi, two work at a gas station.
-You make eye contact and nod your head if you see another habesha on the street-You can spot an habesha from a mile away
-You parents own or owned a Toyota Corolla or Camry
-You're at a birthday party and you hear: "Ha-py Berezday to You!"
-The letter Z is pronounced "Zed"
-Your mom is in the kitchen for 10 hours & still is not done cooking
-Your freezer is stuffed with kebay, berbere, and injera
-You ask "Are you habesha?", even though you know they are.
-You, your father, and your mother have three different last names
-You've brush your teeth with a kundoberebere tree branch
-Every habesha friend is your "cousin"
-You make sure everybody you know knows you are habesha
-You point out all the habeshas you see on the street to your friends
-You are familiar with the expression "Waaa" and its various functions, which can be used to express a warning, excitement, anger, sadness etc.
-Your mother and her friends gossip over buna and bunakors.
-Your parents always make you take pictures by flowers or greenery.
-When you enter someone's house you spend the first 10 minutes going around and kissing everybody 3 times
-Your parents are positvely sure you will marry a habesha, and will have it no other way
-Your parents want to call your name but they call all your siblings first before they finally get it right
-You end up with money stuck to your forehead at parties
-You suck your teeth to express that you are sad
-A party starts at 6 and you show up at 8
-Whenever you or parents see something disturbing you mumble "Ayyyyyeee America..."
-Your parents have threatened to send you back home when you misbehave
-You pronounce your last name 20 times for people and they still dont get it right
-Your parents tell you that the only REAL majors are engineering, or pre-med
-You recognize a simple family gathering to be more than 50 people
-You know at least 7 people who drive a taxi
-Kibae is essential for both your hair and food
- You have a T-Shirt, scarf, key chain or car decoration with green/yellow/red + the word Ethiopia
-You have at least 1 family friend living in america illegally
-You show up to school and work, smellin like wot
-If your parents say: "shat ap your mouz"
-If you or parents pronounce "the world" as " ze worlid"
-You think the harlem shake and the running man was stolen from your culture
-You have never heard your parents say "I love you" to each other or seen them kiss
-Your parents drink areqi
-You use expressions such as besma'am, ere, oooweeeee, ayyyyyeeee.
-You are forced to eat more injera even though you have already had 2 plates
-You are all too familiar with Johnnie Walker Red Label
-Your parents give you give the evil eye and say "Coyyyyyy"
-Its forbidden to get anything lower than A on your report card, maybe a B, but a C is out of the question
-Your parents tell you how everything is better back home than it is here i.e. manners, water, food,
-You listen to the same tigringya, amaringya, oromingya, tape everyday for 6 months straight but you cry when you find out the singer died
-The shortest song is 7 minutes long
-Your family fights over who GETS to pay the bill, who HAS to sit in the front seat, GETS to wash the dishes, etc.
-If at every wedding it looks like all the mothers have robbed a jewlery store
-Everybody back home thinks that you are rich
-Bob Marley is pronounced Bom Barley
-You are at a party and you hear: elelelelelelelelelelelele
-Your parents never let you spend the night at your friends house
-You or your parents say you're going back home every year and never go
-Anytime you see a habesha you know, you kiss them 3 times
-You have family who've been in the states since the 70s, and they still have an accent.
-The men are always in the living room talking politics, and the women are in the kitchen talking about something that happened to someone-
-You are laughing right now
This is for all the PROUD ETHIOPIANS and ERITREANS!

i showed this to my mom, and she LMAFO'd.
i <3>

ethiopian music: abbey lakew, gigi, aster, teddy afro, tilauhn (RiP)